FAQ & Help
At your first visit, you will meet with the physician who will review your pain problem and medical history with you. He will discuss your treatment options.
Yes, with a referral and Insurance approval from the treating physician and adjuster.
You will need a valid Identification card, insurance card, a list of current medication you are prescribed and any recent medical records.
Yes, we offer in-patient and out-patient programs designed to fit your needs.
You will need to be evaluated by a provider then he or she will order
We typically can see the patients within a week.
Scheduling an injection can take up to 2 weeks depending on the insurance.
We ask that you NOT eat or drink anything six hours prior to your procedure.
You should have a relaxing remainder of the day.
Take all of your usual medications for other health conditions. The ONLY exception would be blood-thinners such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Aleve or other anti-inflammatory medications.
No, our providers can order what is needed.
No, depending on what type of procedure is ordered it will be your choice.
Depending on your medication is could be 3-7 days.
Yes, you will need someone to drive you home.
Yes, you can make your payments online.
Yes, all refills or changes must be addressed in the office.
Yes, we have a traveling anesthesia team that can work with you.